2012 dodge ram 1500 w/alpine system
replaced factory sub with this RF sub in original factory plastic box and not much of a difference but you do hear more punch to it than the factory one. Powered by an alpine MRP-F300 is too much power for the RF sub , it starts to pop. Gain has to be set all the way down. Im going to power the sub with factory amp and use the alpine 4 channel amp to power all 4 door speakers see the results. Great sub though!
found this helpful.Tight Little Sub
I bought this sub to compliment my 6.5" comps up front in a big ole Tundra. I have 75 watts to the front stage and 250@ 2ohms to the sub in a sealed box. It's a perfect match. Nice full clean sound throughout the vehicle. I know 250watts is a bit high for this speaker,but it's in a sealed box and I listen to heavy music mostly, it handles it just fine. It feels great in your hands, solid construct. Very happy!!!!!
found this helpful.Not a bad sub
I have not had a sub any smaller than a 12" in the past, so I do not have a frame of reference for output of these subs. I have also never owned a Rockford Fosgate product. With all of that being said, I was very pleased right out of the box with the styling and sturdiness of the construction of the product. The dual voice coils provide a lot of flexibility with the wiring. I have two of these subs in a 0.45 sq ft enclosure with polyfil wired at a 4 ohm load and 150W per sub. They are not overpowering but are doing well so far.
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